June 2023
01.06.23 : Parkside Cumbria and further afield for hares

The birds have been somewhat quite of late at home, in the main due to the amount of them nesting and looking after the young. The lone male Mute swan is back on the pond and the Mallard duscklings are now almost all fledged, we have had a very good year with 22 young Mallards fledging and only 2 predated.
The Hares seem to be having a good year, I have to go further afiled to see these, and I dont reveal the location due to the problem with Hare coursing, but happily this seems not to have been a big problem this year and in the area I visit there are 4 adults with one Leveret each.
I keep on trying to get the perfect Hare shot with them running towards me, this is tricky and Ive spent many hours lying in the grass and waiting, I’m getting closer but Im not there yet !