01.05.23 – 07.05.23 : Wandering around West Cumbria

The first week of May and Spring is very much here in Cumbria, along with that the birds are in full mating plumage, the bees hungry after Winter hibernation out and foraging, and of course the Hares are out in numbers. Sadly the weather has been hit and miss, and life commitments have meant Ive only been really able to get out in the evenings and one early morning. The evenings have brought Hares out and at least one young leveret feediing on its own, Geese and Herons at home, and of course ducklings on the pond. The morning walk brought a full chorus of songbirds, Black caps, Chiffchaffs, Goldfinches, Chaffinches and Willow Warblers and many more, but as is always the case most of them hiding in the trees branches which are now covered in leaf and blossom so I only managed to photograph a Willow Warbler or two,
No sign of the Swifts return as of yet , but there are reports of them having arrived not too far away, so Im opptomistic, and who kknows maybe they will use our newly installed Swift boxes!