April 2023
Parkside Pond , River Ehen, Cleator Moor cycle track : Cumbria 01.04.23- 04.04.23

01.04.23 : The Martins are back at Parkside, but they are not showing every evening as yet, House Martins and Sand Martins. Their arrival means the next exciting one should be the Swallows and Swifts in the next three or four weeks, and maybe they will use the new boxes we have put up for them at home.
All along the cycle track the trees and bushes are alive with song birds, singing their hearts out , resplendant in bright plumage as the hunt for a mate is well and truly underway. The air is mainly full of Chaffinch and Chiffchaff song, with the odd other thrown in for good measure.
The Pond has in the last two days been unusually quite, with just a pair of Oyseter catchers and some Lapwings visiting, the recent busy peroid of Gooseanders, Goldeneye, Teal and mallards all looking for a mate has finished and I can only assume they have moved away to look for a nest site.