24 July 2024 : Barn Owl in West Cumbria

24 July 2024 : Blue Sky and Cloud changing every ten mins!

Tonight I took the chance of a dry evening and headed off to a local spot where I knew there was an active Barn Owl Nest, and tonight luckily within 1o mins I saw them flying, then to my surprise I saw another one and realised that in fact there are two nests here not one. I didnt manage to get a shot of them both flying togethor, they seemed happy to share the location but not happy enough to share hunting ! it was one in one out but great to watch, although the nature of the area means they are hard to follow as they hide behind bluffs, hills and rolling fields.

I figured I had an hour before the light went completly, and enjoyed the time watching them fly and taking photos when they were close enough. There was a group of young lads fishing near by and the Owl seemed to ignore them, me however, a strange man with a camera on a ledge they both kept an eye on, and everytime they flew past me they gave me a proper stare. I felt odd that the fishermen were looking at me wondering what I was doing, while they totaly missed the fact there were two Barn Owls flying over their heads!

All too soon the light faded, the blue sky turned grey and was time to go home, i great night out in the wild and rain forecast for the next few days.

Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Pied Wagtail
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl_Z727560
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
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