25 / 26 October 2024 : Out and about in West Cumbria

The weather has alternated between great and awful this week so I’ve grabbed whatever time I could to nip out and search for Wildlife !

The garden has been busy with Gold, Green Chaffinches all busy on the feeders, the Greater Spotted Woodpecker has been busy collecting nuts and the Long Tailed Tits and all the other Tits have been a nearly constant presence.

The pond has been quiet with a few Teal, the ever present Grey Heron and an odd visiting Cormorant.

Further afield at the old farmhouse the Barn Owls , two of them, have been flying but proving hard to get a good photo despite trying hard !
Saturday was sunny to start so a quick trip up to Workington was rewarded with a Little Egret and a great but fast Kingfisher.

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