Frozen water & snow, but blue skies, so I headed out to see if the new location for the Short Eared Owls was going to prove as a new area or if it was just one passing through. Sadly , there was no sign of the SEO but it was still worth the trips, and I haven’t given up hope so I will go back.
While looking for the Owl, I spotted some movement in the tree tops, which turned out to be a dozen or so Jays, flitting in and out of the forest in the evening sun. Directly under these the Reed Buntings were playing about in the snow, with a pair of Bullfinches joining in.
Far off in the distance a couple of Barn Owls were out and about hunting, but too far away for any real photos. All in all a couple of nice walks, but I thought I would head home before the light went completely.
Back in Parkside, the pond had frozen over completely which meant there wasn’t much birdlife save for a circling Buzzard high overhead, but on the surface of the pond at the far end was a pair of Mute Swans, normally these are elegant creatures, but not today ! It appears that webbed feet are not much use on ice and they spent a good ten minutes trying to walk off the ice, falling over and skidding. A nice way to end the day as the light faded.