August 2023

03.08.23 : Ravenglass and Parkside, West Cumbria

03.08.23 : Early trip to Ravenglass, nice weather but sadly my timing wasnt great as the tide was so far away the birds were too! The harbour is a great place for waders of all types but at very low tide you need to walk over large areas of mudflats to get close, much better just as the tide is going out. 

Regardless of the tide issues, there were plenty of birds about in the distance, the highlight was watching a Little Egret trying to swallow a flat fish which was almost too big for it to eat, it kept trying and eventualy got it down.

Gulls, and the usual Corvids where there in plenty along with Oyster Catchers, Grey Heron, Dunlin and on the shoreline the Sparrows, Finches and tits were also plentiful.

Back at home at Parkside the pond remains empty of all life, even the Little Grebe and the Heron have been absent for a few days, still no gulls or ducks at all. This time last year it was brimming with life , so I can only blame Avian flu.

In the garden the tits seem to have vanished as well, so Im assuming its malting time, but the pidgeons, Finches, Corvids and our resident Pheasent were all here. The stars of the show today however were the Butterflys, the garden was full of Cabbage Whites, Little Tortoise Shell, Peacock and the odd Red Admiral.

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