March 02 & 03 2024 : Parkside , Cleator Moor, Cumbria
A weekend of mixed weather but some good wildlife

March 02 & 03 2024: Parkside , Cleator Moor, Cumbria
A mixed weekend of weather , but when the sun came out I took the chance to walk around the local fields and see what was about. Further afield ( location withheld ) I took a trip to see if the Hares had come out, and I wasnt disapointed, at one point there were 3 boxing, but too far off to take a photo, I did manage a couple of running shots, and one which was hiding. Fingers crossed there will be some sunny weather and better images soon.
Back at Parkside, the pond was busy with lots of birds coming and going, Gooseanders, Teal, Malllards and a visiting Cormorant. Elsewhere above there were two Buzzards that looked like they were lookng for a nesting site, the Crows were not happy though and spent a good 40mins mobbing them.
There was even a domestic duck , a Mallard hybrid, that made a quick appearence, no idea where it came from but was good to see.