October 2023

02.10.23 : Esk estuary at Muncaster and Home at Parkside, Cleator Moor

02.10.23 : Started the day with an early morning walk along the river Esk estuary under the Muncaster estate. As soon as I was on the path I spotted two Roe deer in the distance through the morning mist, they spotted me in an instant and jumped the fence and ran off. Two minutes later I was looking up at two Buzzards flying from perch to perch and I knew it was going to be a good walk ! Walking into the woods there was Longtailed Tits, Robins, Wrens, Willow warblers and grey squirrels, upon reaching  the river it seemed quiet as the tide was very low, the usual Grey Herons and Little Egrets were fishing, the Oyster catchers and Curlew on the mud flats and Mallards in the water.

While watching a Grey Heron fishing I spotted two lines of bubbles inthe water and then a head ! It was a pair of Otters crossing the river, climbing out onto the muddy bank before disappearing into a riverlet ditch. They were a long way off but its was great to watch and now I know where to find them I will be back.

At home we still have a pair of Mute Swans on the pond, and they were joined today by a lone Greylag goose and a Coot, there wasnt much else about today but on my evening wander I did spot another Roe deer in the fields, this is a first as Ive never seen one in these fields before, so hopefully it will be back

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