October 2023

16.10.23 : Early morining trip to Leigthton Moss RSPB to see the Stags in rutt

16.10.23 : Today was an early morning trip to RSPB Leighton Moss, to see if the Stags were showing in the rutt, I met up with another local wildlife photographer and we headed off in the dark to the Grizedale hide, where the Stags had been seen recently. A cold wait for 45 mins and we were rewarded by two hinds walking by and 10 mins later a big Stag following them. They were heading away from the hide towards the Allen hides, so we left and headed in that direction, stopping at the grit trays to watch the Bearded Reedlings for a short while.

Once in the very busy and full hide we spotted 3 stags (maybe 4) which were walkng around the pond and seemingly tollerating each other without any trouble. The big old Stag was in the reeds with 2 Hinds and was happy to remain there while the other Stags strutted around the waters edge.

Other bird life was of course the Marsh Harriers, Grey Heron, Teal, Shoveller and the other usual suspects, today however the Deer were the stars of the show.

Back at home in the evening I had a wander around the fields to see what was about, The Mute Swans on the pond were joined by 7 Greylags before the took to flight in the early evening. The Heron was back fishing, Starlings were gathering in the fields, Pied Wagtails pottering about and the wrens in the Hwathorns.

All in all a good day !

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