September 2023
22.09.23 : RSPB Leighton Moss. Torrential rain and cloud cover

22.09.23 : An early start today as the forecast was clear and dry till midday in Silverdale, so I headed over to the reserve for dawn, and arrived to find it chucking it down! The cloud was low and the rain incessant, it never got light.
Undetered I put the waterproof cover on the camera and head out along the causeway. There were no other people around and only the odd bird on the path, in the distance there was a stag crossing the path, a Cetis Warbler singing its heart out, and Reed Buntings hiding in the trees trying to stay dry.
It was clear this was not going to be a good photography day, but it didnt stop me truly enjoying the nature, walking down to the public hide a Marsh harrier was hunting overhead and the lake was just coming to life. A family of four Otters were feeding just to the left of the hide, I passed a good hour while the rain got heavier just watching them as a family unit. Just as the rain was easing an Osprey appeared over the lake before settling down in a far off tree.
All in all a great way to spend a few wet hours enjoying if not photographing wildlife