An early morning start and an unplaned trip to RSPB Leighton Moss, Silverdale, Lancashire. The forecast was good but sadly the reality was a grey, dark morning , still it was brightened up by a great show from two seasonal beauties.
I started the day with a trip to the Tim Allen hide, I was in there alone and after a few minutes the Red Deer appeared. First a Doe took some steps into the water and was quickly followed by two young and another Doe. These hung around for 15 mins before being joined by a young Stag with just two pints on his antlers, they weren’t interested in him, and he was soon chased off by an older stag that took charge and led the ladies and young off into the reeds. I sat and watched them for an hour before heading off to the grit trays a short walk away to see if the Bearded Reedlings were about.
I knew they were there before I arrived as the air was full of the cheeping calls of them, and when I got there there must have been 20 to 30 on both grit trays and hiding in the reeds. I watched for another 30 mins before heading off home full of smiles.