6 July 2024 : Quick visit to Solway Moss reserve, West Cumbria

The day dawned overcast and so we had a quick visit to a reserve weve not been to before, just south of Carlise and the Solway Moss reserve. We had heard there was a Red Footed Falcon there, but sadly it wasn’t showing itself to us today. However, there was a lot of wildlife to be seen, the reserve is on a peat bog, and was covered in small pools teeming with Dragon and Damsel flies. Taking advantage of all this free food was a host of Swifts, Kestrels and Hobbies.

Most of the birds were too far away to get much photography done, but it was still a wonderful trip and great to see the Hobbies, we also were lucky enough to see a Marsh Harrier pay a visit, flying low and slow before landing and not being seen again. This is definatly a place we will return to on a better weather day

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